Monday, September 5, 2011

Laborless Day

So what did you all do for Labor Day?  Me I am on the go ALL the time!  So a rainy labor day forced me to stay in and relax with the family! Here is some of what we did:
  • we watched Rapunzel (as my Micheal  and I laughed at how Mally quoted it line for line)
  • I gave Biscuit a hair cut (I shouldn't have done that)
  • I gave Micheal a hair cut (see pic with Mally below)
  • We vacummed out the couch (cause of the hair from the hair cuts) I should have taken a picture of the stuff we found 
  • I practiced drawing owls with Mally
  • Daddy practiced drawing Dragons with her
  • We practiced reading and spelling
  • Micheal and Mally watched Benji
  • I snuck away for a bubble bath
  • Micheal and Mally made brownies
  • We played a intense spy game Mally made up (I was agent Nikki)
  • Mally interviewed me (not sure for what yet but she took lots of notes)
  • I worked a little
  • Micheal ran to the store
  • Mally and I are watched Lady and the Tramp
  • Micheal grilled filets for dinner (got them on-sale at Star Market a few weeks ago)
  • Meant to cut coupons and write a blog post for Moneywise but that wasn't in the cards for today!
think we will wind down this exciting family day with a early bedtime for all!

Here is a pic of Micheal and Mally playing spy according to our spy expert Mally (aka Agent Rose) the rose in Micheal's (Agent Cobra's) mouth is a special communications device and the necklace was a power boost necklace (I need to put that on everyday about 3pm)
Hope you and yours have/had a great laborless Labor Day!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Mally goes to Kindergarten

Mally started Kindergarten today!
Daddy walked her in while Mommy followed acting like the paparazzi! while Mommy followed in amazement that her precious baby girl was starting a new chapter in her life!

See when I look at her I remember when her and I met...
This one makes me smile!

I see 5 1/2 years of the best moments of my life...

So many more wonderful memories to be made!  Thank you God for my precious Mally!
Oh and watch out thank you Mrs. Ruffin!

Mally ADORES Mrs. Ruffin already!

She was pretty excited about her desk too!
Mally was ready for us to leave but I could tell by the death grip hug she gave me she was a little nervous too!

Here is the link to the YOU TUBE video we made of a interview we did with Mally about her first day of school!  ---->click here

Monday, May 9, 2011

PUBLIX New Coupon Policy

So a little birdie just gave me a heads up about the new Publix coupon policy! The stores will start letting us know about it around the 14th of May and then on the 23rd they will implement the change. So excited it’s nothing that will be take away from us saving money at Publix!! Here are the basics to the policy:

-Unless your store decides to change the competitors they take it will stay the same (still up to the store)

-Still double coupons in our area

-Still take one MQ and one Store Q (whether it is Publix or competitor) per item

-Still take IP’s

-Takes Pharmacy coupons in the Pharmacy only (for RX)

-Mgr approval needed for coupons over $5

-$ off $ coupons are limited to one Publix AND one competitor coupon per order but order has to total amount of both to use both

-Still give overage in cash if you want it

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Mally's perspective on Breastfeeding

First let me clarify.  I am a breastfeeding supporter.  I breastfed Mally for her first 8 weeks and wish it would have worked out so I could have done it her entire first year.  So a few weeks ago Mally and I saw a breastfeeding Mom in the mall.  Mally had a million questions about what that baby being "on" that Momma's boobie was all about.... I didn't think much of it and just said "she is feeding her baby milk I fed you that way when you were born.  Its natural God gives Mommies milk for their babies when they are born."

Well fast forward a couple of weeks after Mally has had time to soak in that information.  She comes up to me last night and lays her head on my chest and says "WOW Momma I just can't believe I drank milk out of your big ole boobies when I was a baby... that's just crazy.... but I am pretty sure they tasted like vanilla wafers"

Friday, April 8, 2011

Let's get it started....

As I sit down to finally start my first blog post Mally walks in the room so excited.... "Momma Momma look what I found in the bottom of the bag.... a coupon a coupon!!!" It reminded me of how I should have started a coupon blog 2 years ago when I started couponing (hindsight is always 20/20).  The coupon was for $.75/1 Sunsweet Prunes (Mally knows them as yummy giant gummies)

I am sure this blog will have some money saving tips, coupon deals and I am sure I will post some "freebie" stuff from time to time just because I love that and it is so much fun.  I will also keep you posted when I am teaching coupon classes and let you know how you can book one yourself. 

Most of all I will be bringing you up to date with the happenings of our family.  The funny things that happen to us or the bad things that are so bad you have to laugh to keep from crying.  My 5 year old daughter Mally gets quite the reponse on facebook with her wit and humor for the past 2 years.  So I will be posting both old and new stories or "Mallyisms" as they have come to be called by others.  I can fit more on a blog then a status update. 

I will end my first offical blog post with this quick story.... So we are in Costco (large discount warehouse store) and we were in a hurry.... Mally exclaims "Mommy I have to go potty" I replied "Mally you just went potty before we got here.... is it a #1 or a #2?" She says "Oh Momma it's a #1 and #6!!!!!!!"