Friday, March 23, 2012


I don't post on this blog that much anymore.  Moneywise Shopper keeps me so busy and believe it or not I am starting to get the hang of wordpress (not sure I am supposed to say that in this neighborhood.  I wrote my first non-deal, non-moneywise shopper post today... well the first one in a long time.  It felt good to write it and I wanted to share it with anyone that reads this poor'ole negelected blog. 

Here is a exerpt for the post that is on  I would love for you to share this... I pray it can be a inspiration to others

I don't know how to start this post. It's going to be a emotional post you will laugh as you read it and you may cry..... I hope you are inspired!

The last week of February I was on the phone with a dear friend of mine. A friend that God blessed me with almost 2 years ago. Two years may not seem like a long time but what you don't know is when Andi and I met... well you would have thought we had been friends for 20 years. Kindered Spirits? maybe? Sisters in Christ? Absolutley! Stand up Comedians? Yes! Two women who just want to have FUN? OH YEAH!! Our families "meshed" well and we saw each other multiple times a week up until she moved to Oregon (well, Athen's but it might as well have been Oregon) and I started working more, life happened and time just got away from us.

It wasn't a terrible thing. Our friendship proved to be the good kind. You know the kind where no matter the time that transpires between conversations you ALWAYS pick up right where you left off. It was during one of these conversations at the end of February 2012 that she casually said "hey pray for me I have a mammogram March 9th they found a lump in my breast" I responded "sure... wait... what did you say?... your don't have a mammogram till March 9th?" You see I had a breast cancer scare this past Fall and remember my Doctor wanting me in her office with in 2 hours.

Andi and I talked about it and she called and got in the next day for a mammogram and it didn't look good. She called and she seemed so calm. I was falling apart on the inside my heart ached a deep ache the kind of heart ache that hurts, makes your eyes water, and feels your throat with a lump. The kind of ache that makes your arms weak. It's was in that achy moment when the Lord whispered "I've got her, I am in control, I am not surprised, I knew it would happen this way"

The next week played out with Andi going to more Doctor's appointments, more tests, and the dreaded results. As she told friends a army of support surrounded her and her family. See Andi is not only a amazing friend but also a fabulous wife to Brooks and mother to Brooklyn, Emily, and Maggie. Among other titles she holds such as Daughter of The King, sister, aunt, comedian, Lover of the Lord, daughter, taxi cab driver, teacher, singer, prayer warrior.... this list could go on and on...

I saw her for the first time since our talk on Sunday night March 11th as many of her friends gathered around her and her family for a sweet time of prayer at her friend Melinda's home. Friends drove over from Mississippi to pray for Andi and her family. It was a evening drenched with emotion and laughter. See anything Andi is involved in is drenched with laughter. It's what draws people to her like magnets.

It was mentioned that the following Tuesday night Melinda would be hosting a "BYE BYE BOOBIE PARTY for Andi!! I said "A WHAT?" the group replied in unison "A BYE BYE BOOBIE PARTY!" I said "REALLY what are we going to do burn our bra's?" They said "why not?" I shrieked "COOL I will bring my fire pit!"

[caption id="attachment_6490" align="aligncenter" width="266" caption="This picture was taken when Andi threw a special suprise wedding for her BFF Melinda"][/caption]

As I started to contemplate a BYE BYE BOOBIE party I thought you know that is just the way my girl Andi would do breast cancer complete with a BYE BYE BOOBIE party! See Andi was advised to have a double masectomy that Friday (which turned into this past Wednesday).

Boobies are a source of food for babies, a source of comfort, and a place of pleasure. To some they are just in the way and a nusance! Regardless they are a special part of a woman's body but they don't make the woman a woman. Our media plasters boobies all over the place and most of the time in inapporpriate ways. Why not celebrate boobies and have a party to ease the tension of the days leading up to a breast cancer surgery?!? That is just what Andi's friends and Sunday School Class from Willowbrook did.... They threw her a incredible BYE BYE BOOBIES PARTY!! Click here to find the FULL post and pictures of just how the party went down!

Hope you enjoy!
This was orginally posted on